As I hinted in my last blog post and some recent Instagram stories, I’ve been thinking about adjusting the list of planned 2023 projects that I wrote about just over a month ago. (Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem it’s me. TSwift anyone?)
But, before I get into the big new project I’m planning, I want to normalize the pivoting of project plans! It’s great to have goals or resolutions, but they should also be malleable to unexpected changes in your life. For me, the change of plans came from a realization that my time for major DIY projects may significantly decrease in the coming months, as I may be required to go into the office for my job more often. I’m not implying that I’m doing these projects during the work day (clarification for my employer, if you’re reading this :D). But rather it’s the 2 hours of commuting every day that will be cost me valuable project time. I don’t yet have a plan for how I will adjust to that reality, but I do know that I would be an irresponsible DIY blogger if I didn’t pounce on the opportunity I have this summer, while I maintain my current routine.
So with that, I’d like to tackle the biggest eyesore in our house. The only square inch of space in this home, I have not touched or shared publicly.
I give you, our upstairs full bathroom:

Yep, that’s right. Us amateurs will be teaching ourselves how to renovate a bathroom. Could this go horribly? Most definitely. Which is why I plan to use the next 1-2 months to watch every YouTube video and read all the blog tutorials. I want to detail the whole process and attempt to identify potential problems before we encounter them. I also plan to order all the materials ahead of time so that our timeline is as efficient as possible.
Because here’s the kicker….this is the only bathroom with a shower in our house. Which is why I initially hesitated to make this a DIY project. It would definitely be faster to hire out this bathroom renovation to a professional, rather than to do it ourselves. But what fun would that be? A professional renovation would also come with a hefty price tag, which was the primary determining factor. A recession is a’coming.
Naturally, I wanted to start with the fun, inspiring stuff rather than the tactical project planning. So I made a little mood board to kick us off. My goal is to create a warm, relaxing, spa-like space. I want mixed metals. A tile shower with a niche. And a vanity that looks like a piece of furniture. To achieve a spa vibe, I’m limiting the contrast in here (which is unlike me), while still making sure the style is in line with the transitional aesthetic of the rest of the house.
Bathroom mood board:

To accomplish this update to my 2023 project plans, I will be deprioritizing our master bedroom renovation. I know, I can hear your groans through the screen. I originally had planned to install a ceiling treatment and wall moulding, which I would still love to do, but I want to finish the bathroom first.
Hopefully it can be a lesson to you that while making plans and lists for home projects is never a bad thing, it’s also important to accept life’s evolutions. Sometimes the function of a space is not what you initially thought it would be. Or, similar to my case, external factors in your life require changes to your original plan. In fact, this is why I would usually recommend refraining from starting any major home renovations until after your first year living in a new home (assuming it’s livable). Since we moved in almost 2 years ago, our style has evolved, our desired function of spaces has evolved and our original ideas for what we wanted to prioritize HAS EVOLVED. While the need to renovate and decorate slowly has happened out of necessity, I’m grateful for the time it has gifted us to make decisions we feel confident about.
I hope you’re as excited to be part of this bathroom renovation from start to finish. There is so much to learn and I can’t wait to share it all with you first-hand. I have a few smaller projects to tackle that I will be sharing for the next couple months, while we plan this larger one. Be sure to follow on Instagram for day-to-day decisions, tips and project updates!